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  • Writer's pictureAshleigh Elizabeth


Updated: Jun 12, 2023

This lovely golden oil is cold pressed from the seeds of grapes, it is a bypass product from wine making. Making it a very environmentally conscious choice of oil that aside it also has many amazing properties.

Grapeseed oil is a non-comedogenic oil which basically means a non-clogging oil, allowing you skin to skin to breathe whilst still keeping is moisturised, absorbing into the skin very easily. From 0 - 5, it has a comedogenic rating of 1 on the comedogenic scale, thus making the likelihood of clogged pores very slim.

Grapeseed oil boasts anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. Making it a great choice of oil for those who suffer with breakouts. This oil is rich in phenolic compounds, with high amounts of fatty acid chains, and vitamins such as vitamin E, C and D.

All the above compounds, make for an incredible emollient (moisturiser) keeping the skin supple, firm, and youthful looking. Grapeseed oil contains a potent antioxidant called proanthocyanidin, which helps in evening out the skin tone when used regularly. This antioxidant also aids in protecting the skin from free radicals such as environmental damage. Grapeseed oil, also a great choice for lightening acne scars, minimising fine lines and wrinkles, preventing the skin from being dull and dehydrated. Incorporating this amazing oil into your skincare regime really is a no brainer, boasting all the great skin care benefits as well as being an environmentally conscious choice.


· Contains vitamin C, E, D

· Non clogging

· Easy absorption

· Anti-inflammatory & anti-microbial

· Evens out skin tone

· Antioxidant properties

· Lightens acne scars


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