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  • Writer's pictureAshleigh Elizabeth


Updated: Jun 12, 2023

Let's talk coffee, we know it as a glorious hot drink, but did you know coffee actually has amazing benefits for the skin. Well, if you’re not your about to find out!

Coffee beans are in-fact seeds that have been dried, and roasted, without this process they can germinate and turn into a coffee plant. Hmm coffee plant or coffee bean being a plant lover and a coffee lover that defiantly a hard choice.

Coffee beans contain a potent level of antioxidants that help fight free radicals protecting the skin from environmentally damage. This works best via topical application e.g., face masks or scrubs. Coffee works as a fantastic skin buffer the exfoliation that ground coffee beans provide event the skin tone and texture, leaving an overall smoother appearance. Topical application to the skin provides great anti-aging benefits helping reduce the appearance of sun induced spots, redness, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Coffee beans are very nutrient dense, being a rich source of vitamin B3, containing a key compound called trigonelline that breaks down into niacin (Vitamin B3) after being roasted. Good job we only use roasted coffee bean grounds in our BHA Cleansing Face Scrub. Niacin is a helpful component that helps prevent skin cancers and other unwanted skin developments / growths. That being said the best thing you can do to prevent skin cancer is religiously wear SPF every day, no skipping.

Coffee beans are also known to decrease inflammation and hyperpigmentation. Regularly using a coffee scrub reduces bacteria, unclogs the pores, and reduces inflammation great for acne sufferers. However, I would be cautious as physical exfoliants can irritate acne and actually make it worse, it is your call, chemical exfoliants are always an option if you don’t want to the run the risk of making your acne worse. In saying though many reports suggest the effectiveness of using a coffee scrub to fight acne, our scrub does also contain salicylic acid the key ingredient to fight acne paired with coffee beans makes an amazing product to reduce acne breakouts. But like I say it does depend, for myself for instance I found my breakout become worse when using a scrub, however for my best friends little brother it cleared his acne all the way up. If your someone who reacts badly to chemical exfoliants, this scrub would be your next best bet.

Coffee is an astringent that causes the skin cells to contract reducing swelling and redness, antibacterial fighting the bacteria within the skin acnes nemesis. The best physical exfoliant naturally buffering the dead skin cells away. A natural skin plumper, plumping out wrinkles, producing bright and firmer skin making it an amazing age defying ingredient.


· Antioxidant properties

· Buffers skin

· Removes dead skin cells

· Evens out skin tone and texture

· Reduces sun induced spots

· Reduces redness, fine lines, wrinkles

· Rich source of vitamins & nutrients

· Reduce hyperpigmentation

· Powerful exfoliating properties

· Encourages brighter firmer skin


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